
Different ways to spread the Gospel

For more than 85 years, God has given Child Evangelism Fellowship® a number of unique ministries which have proven to be effective tools in our effort to evangelize and disciple children.

Good News Club

Good News Club® is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship in which trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools, homes, community centers, churches, just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet with their parent’s permission.

5-Day  Club

5-Day Club® is an exciting, fun-filled one and a half hour held each day for five consecutive days. It includes: dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, meaningful songs, and life-changing Scripture memorization.

Christian Youth in Action

Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) is a program designed to train High School and College students in effective and engaging ways of teaching equipping them to return to your local community and teach clubs at various locations instructing children about God .


Pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of children, the provision of God and the faithfulness, joy and welfare of workers as they seek to serve.


Receive training and join a ministry team that works directly with children or provide hands-on support to a local group or be a sponsor church.


Like the churches and individuals that supported Paul and other missionaries, give to support CEF staff and volunteer workers so children can hear the gospel message.